Produced by: Sofistafunk, The Original Skirt Co.
Autumn 2018
The Collection
The Autumn's are closely woven family of season-lesss Skirts and Skirtcessories designed to inspire and accompany you as you tell your daily and most empowering "Skirt Stories".
It's that time of year again and the family is preparing for The Grandest Welcome Fall Celebration of the year, "September Moon" an annual celebration of the Autumnal Equinox"
Chapter 9 - SCENE 1 - Week 2
It's early September late in the afternoon and we find cousins Blythe and Quinn in a large sky colored foyer tying ribbon around bunches of flowers and suspending them to dry near oversized windows overlooking the front garden.
The ladies are conversing about the upcoming festivities. I can see why Sloane didn't want to join us, this is definitely not her thing, "too girlie" she'd say but this teal colored ribbon sure makes these bunches beautiful.
Off in the distance amongst girlish chatter and upbeat music you hear laugher and conversations from the others as they manage various tasks.
A sudden scream of excitement enters the room, That must be sister pulling in because I see Max running and wagging. to be continued...
FYI: Our stories are fictitious but the names of the characters are the real names of the products.
*Photo: Ari Seth Cohen at Advanced Style